
Showing posts from April, 2017


By Wanial Isaac Students have faced a suspension for a month over their strike against the Institution administrators disrespecting the Electoral constitution in place.   Students have gone on rampage defying the administrators actions of forcing them to follow the dictatorial verbal rule of law than the constitution.They fill that the University wants to impose leaders not of their choice. "We are worried if this is happening because they will impose sycophants on us and our problems shall never be attended to by the administrators" one of the angry student said Students also argued the University has failed to follow its year work plan as some of the drafted programs have not been implemented and left in theory yet they are so crucial to the students community They further added the university is charging them huge sums of money that its use goes un noticed  The police has taken control to prevent further damage by students at Campus and warned that any

Student Dies After Choking in Eating Contest

Yahoo News A 20-year-old college student in Fairfield, Connecticut tragically died on Sunday after choking during a Greek life pancake-eating contest at her school three days prior. According to The Daily Mail , Caitlin Nelson was participating in the Sacred Heart University contest last Thursday night "when she suddenly fell to the floor and started shaking uncontrollably" after consuming four or five pancakes. Two nursing students in attendance at the party rushed to try and help her, and police and paramedics quickly arrived on the scene. “Our officers were on the scene quickly,” Fairfield Police Chief Gary MacNamara told People . “They recognized the gravity of the situation immediately and desperately and heroically tried to clear her airway. Tragically, the obstruction was not easily cleared and that lack of oxygen for that amount of time ultimately caused severe damage.” Nelson was then taken to a local hospital, where doctors said she was in