Know more about Producer/ artiste and song wrier Paul Shan

1. What are your real names?
Musoke Paul Mayanja
2. Stage name?
Paul Shan
3. How did you end up in the Music?
Started music at home then church Presbyterian Church Mbale
4. Tell us about your educational background?
Went to several primary schools fairway, Mwiri boys. Nabuyonga that’s where I sat for my  PLE,high school(light secondary en vocational school Bulenga 1-4 then Seguku hill college 5-6)went to Namasagali university in Kamuli(BBA)
5. Tell me something no one knows about you?
.I hate it when someone praises me in pretence to make me do something for him or her
6. How did you get into the industry?
When I began ministering in church of Couse singing en playing music instruments and when I first produced a song for my mother en several artists

7. What inspired you to get into the Industry?
The confidence en talent that was growing rapidly everyday

A number of people my mother Mrs Magret Mayanja and my brother Josh Roy (based in South Korea)
8. What have been some of your best moments in the industry?
When the crowd is obedient to u en supporting
9. What have been your worst moments in the industry?
When you prepare for a performance en because you’re a rising star some mcees deny you the chance to perform and Djz refusing to play your song just because they want to mix or rather play their Nigerian music playlists
What else do you do?
I do production in my studio (Sound Factory Records Ug) and I do teacher a few guys music production

10. What inspires you daily?

11. What kind of music do you do?
Actually I do both gospel en circular music (afro beat, dancehall and reggae)
12. Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?
I want to open up a big music school en make more music

13. If you had a chance to work with any artiste in the world who would it be?
Bruno mars and Pharrell Williams

14. What else do you do apart from music?
I teach music en run my studio
15. Are you in a relationship?
16. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I see myself as one of the best artist en producer in the world
17. Can someone get rich from working on Music?
18. What do you love most about being an artiste?
Meeting new friends, ideas en reaching out to the broken hearted through my music
19. Who is your role model?

20. Do you have stalkers? How do you deal with them?
I mind my own businessmen never give them chance coz they might beat me with their experience of what they are good at

21. If you had to choose something else to do, what would it be?
Music strictly

22. What do you think sets you apart in an industry where everyone is doing the same thing?
23. How old are you? Am 30 something
24. What challenges do you face in the industry?
 Promoters and event’s organisers not paying you what you’re worth
And even they very well know you got good work and they go for artists who perform for free yet we put a lot of time, money in our music

25. What advice would you give to those who would love to pursue careers as artistes?
They have listen en give enough time to learn what really music is


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