
Showing posts from July, 2018

Museveni speaks out on age limit ruling, defends 7-year-term, says judges are not in charge of the country

Basing in South Africa where he is attending the BRICS summit, President Museveni has defended the 7-year term of office for Members of Parliament and the Presidency saying five years are few for any development to take place. Museveni’s defence comes after the Constitutional Court sitting in Mbale High Court annulled the Constitutional Amendment extending the tenure of MPs from five to seven years.  “Unfortunately, our judges in Uganda spend more time on form and not substance, with the 5 years, a lot of time is spent on electioneering and less time on development. The first two years; settling in, the 3rd year some work in the constituency and, then, by the 4th year, electioneering again.” Museveni, who also will miss out on the seven years consoled the NRM MPs that “the Judges are not the ones in charge of the country” and that if they (MPs) follow his lead, they will bounce back to Parliament.  “If the NRM MPs follow my guidelines and bond closely with the people, thr

PHOTOS: Judith Babirye introduction ceremony amidst tight security

 the star Gospel singer one Judith Babirye is now on cloud nine after holding a successful introduction without  interference from the earlier would be interceptors with a heavy deployment of security. One of the most talked about love story at the moment! Buikwe legislators; MP Hon Paul Musoke Sebulime and Judith Babirye. Yes, Judith held her introduction at Country Lake Resort Hotel, Garuga. The hotel is located in Garuga next to Hon Gilbert Bukenya’s Katomi Kingdom Hotel.

New Kid on the block Yami J drops a brand new African life video.

Young talented and promising fresh talent Yami J is set to drop more energetic and enticing art piece, with both visuals and audio projects.  The young brother to the legendary star sing SK Simeon based in the diaspora famously known for his block bursting song ‘Matooke’ seems to have taken the footsteps of his elder brother. However, according to singer Yami J, he disclosed to World Eye that he is set to drop his most anticipated video “African Life” that talks about nature and African life setting plus the appealing atmosphere and cool favorable climate. The artiste who may slightly differ from others, does music but with major concern of promoting and conserving nature. As much as many would compose songs praising ladies, this young promising musical act chose adventure, tourism and nature conservation.

Singer Lydia Jasmine refutes allegation that she has been signed fully to city tycoon Robert Kampala Record Label

Singer Lydia Nabawanuka , known by her stage name as Lydia Jazmine, a lady on a spectacular rise in the music industry has disputed reports that were saying she’s signed to a new management team. Earlier this month, reports a washed media claiming how the singer had been signed to Salaama road based R.K Records owned by socialite Roberts Kampala. And continued to suggest that new city money bags was the brains behind her supposedly four week break in United Kingdom but the singer only spent their less than a week. They also claimed that the socialite financed the singers new video and song titled Ojjakunzitta. However, the You and Me singer made the revelation early today morning when rubbished the claims saying she’s not under the said management but when everything is finalised that’s when she will confirm. “ Am not signed to any management team. If I was , I would have made it public to my followers to know. But all along have been silent about it which

NRM sarcastically mocks FDC after Bugiri parliamentary seat loss, as Bobi Wine and his man Basalirwa rejoice

 FDC has largely been turned into a ‘joking subject’ after Bobi Wine backed JEEMA candidate Asuman Basalirwa won the Bugiri Municipality vote. The hotly contested election had several factors in favour of FDC candidate Eunice Namatende, given that she was far more popular than the eventual victor, Asuman Basalirwa. However, FDC and JEEMA failure to compromise on a single candidate cast a bad light on the opposition powerhouse after celebrity legislator Kyagulanyi Sentamu aka Bobi Wine ditched FDC for JEEMA and Ugandans on social media including NRM leaning people can’t help but turn FDC into a ‘trolling subject’. Senior Press Secretary to H.E. President Museveni perhaps forgot that NRM was in the race. Ofwono Opondo described it as FDC’s bad week citing Age Limit ruling and visit on India PM Modi. N.

Chameleone foots a one Uber driver Daniel Magoba’s bill and settles their dispute

The alleged dispute that occurred early yesterday morning between singer  Jose Chameleone  and a one Uber driver known as  Daniel Magoba  is reportedly to have been sorted, MBU has learnt. The two are said to have settled their differences when the  Mateka singer took to the police station where a case accusing him of assault was filled and footed the bills of the Uber driver.  Chameleon stated, saying that it wasn’t assault as it was earlier reported but rather a misunderstanding about the fares between the driver and the passenger. “It was just a disagreement between the driver and the passenger about the fares and not assault as police records have it”, Chameleon said. He also noted that they are now good to do any other businesses and are good buddies from now. ” But now we are good to go for other businesses and we are now friends because such things happen once in a while”.

Interview: One on One with Yami J talking more about music and Tourism

1.      What are your names? Kalume jimmy 2.      Stage name? Yami J 3.      How did you end up in the Music? I didn’t go in music accidently but it was planned that it will happen. I started writing my lyrics and then after in my vacation is when SK SIMEON came to Uganda and so the power of music in me. I recall in my high schooli used to sing along with my friends behind the class room and I realised that I can make it. I used to see how he does his music and practices so also inspired me to join music. 4.      Tell us about your educational background? Yami J finished school and also studied from two schools that included Mt St Henry’s High school Mukono and St Mathius Kalemba Nazingo in Kayunga. After my high school I didn’t stop there so I had to do what I love most and that was tour and travel and I’m currently studying from YMCA Wandegeya. 5.      Tell me something no one knows about you? Hehehe Yes Yami J is a free happy and wants to do his things in his

Transport fares to be hiked on Monday ranging from 500-5000

It is hardly a month since the new financial year started but its bite has not spared any Ugandan yet. The introduction of social media and Mobile Money taxes have had the public up in arms, forcing numerous retractions from the government. As the dust seems to settle, however, the public transporters have announced new transport prices that will take effect on Monday, July, 23. The new prices announced the Kampala Operators and Taxi Stages Association (KOTSA) are a result of the new taxes on fuel. Yasin Ssematimba, the Chairman of KOTSA told  Matooke Republic  that the new prices will take effect on Monday and will affect all routes coming into Kampala. “We are pressed on the wall. Everyday prices at  the fuel  pumps increase. The prices cannot remain the same in the current situation. When fuel prices go down, we shall also go back to the normal prices,”  he said. Ssematimba explained that prices will increase by between Shs1,000 to Shs5,000 depending on the distance. “W

Court orders beneficiaries not to refund shs6bn oil handshake

  The High Court in Kampala has issued an interim order stopping the Inspector General of Government (IGG) from investigating and forcing beneficiaries of the 6 billion shillings presidential handshake to refund the money. Last year, the parliamentary committee on Commissions, Statutory Authorities and State Enterprises (COSASE) recommended that all the 42 beneficiaries of the oil tax cash dubbed the presidential handshake refund six billion shillings they had shared, a recommendation that parliament took. The public officials had received the money as a token for their role in the 400-million-dollar Heritage Oil arbitration case which Uganda won. However, former Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) lawyer Ali Sekatawa sued government (Attorney General and COSASE seeking for a review on the findings and recommendations in its report regarding the famous cash bonanza. Sekatawa received Shs242 million out of the six billion that was shared among 42 government officials.

Uganda Communications commission blocks porn sites

Porn sites blocked by Uganda Communications Commission In an effort to curb down on pornography material consumption by the  Pornography Control Committee , over twenty seven top websites that produce and broadcast pornographic content have been blocked and will no longer be available for people within the Ugandan borders. The Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) is biting hard on the consumption of pornographic content in Uganda. The Director Godfrey Mutabazi issued a statement to Internet Service Providers dated 6th July, ordering them to block all websites that produce, broadcast, and distribute pornography material. Last year, a Pornography Control Committee constituting of eight members, headed by Annette Kezaabu, was put in place to formulate ways on how to reduce pornographic consumption in Uganda. With a budget of UGX 2 billion, the committee has started doing its work commencing on the blockage of over 27 porn sites that have been popular among most pornography

Bobi Wine Awards a vendor who rescued him him from the police hunt

Politician cum musician Bobi Wine has on Thursday afternoon met the generous vendor from Kiyembe city center lane in Kampala who enabled his surprise escape from the law enforcers during Wednesday’s social media and mobile money demonstration. Mugalu John who happens own a clothing shop at Kiyembe business center is the usual suspect behind the lucky jacket and cap that enabled the Kyadondo East’s escape from police officers after being involved and master minding unlawful assemble in Kampala. Bobi Wine has engaged with the youthful friend of his at parliament about his new political gospel about ‘People power’ and it is anticipated that Mugalu will go home with a happy wallet from the inspirational legislator.

Mobile Mobile Tax: President Museveni orders refund for those who paid 1% tax

President Museveni has ordered those who have been taxed 1% on  mobile money transactions to be refunded stating that the law reduced the figure to 0.5%. “I signed the law with the error because we could not delay the other measures. However, Parliament, when it reconvenes, will be requested to correct it. The ones whose deductions had been made on the basis of 1% should have their money reimbursed,” Museveni wrote while responding to queries raised on his official Facebook page. However, the president did not clarify how the process will be done. He further explained that the tax is  necessary. “Mobile money transfers have brought to the surface the big volumes of money that are moving around the country. Each day US$ 52m moves around in the form of mobile money. This is about US$ 19bn a year. Much of this money is by big people; but, of course, some of it is by, economics-wise, small people. Therefore, in an effort to have self-sufficiency in budget, this is a convenient sou

Besigye’s rape case dismissed after 12 years, government to make a public apology

Government has abandoned the rape case against four-time presidential candidate Col. Dr. Kiiza Besigye. “Take notice that the Director of Public Prosecutions, appellant in Court of Appeal criminal appeal No.06 of 2006 arising from original High Court criminal session case No. 149/2005, intends not to proceed with the prosecution of this appeal pursuant to Rule 70 (1) of the Judicature (Court of Appeal) directions,”  the withdrawal notice reads in part. On the above grounds, Ayebare Tumwebaze, the presiding assistant registrar, dismissed the the rape appeal although Besigye was not present in court.   Ladislaus Rwakafuuzi, Dr Besigye’s lawyer, said the government will make a public apology to his client. Case Background The rape charge was levelled in 1997 by a one Joanita Kakuwa, who told the court that Dr Besigye was her caretaker and that the two lived together in Luzira after completing her A- Levels. In 2006, then High Court judge John Bosco Katutsi acquitted Dr