One on one interview with Musician Inspekta Jill, know more more about his music and lifestyle

1. What are your real names?
Gilbert Jimmy Wanda
2. Stage name?
Inspector Jil
3. How did you end up in the Music?
Music has been family business right from the old times of my late grandpa who died a celebrated village champion that owned a band. i happen to have been groomed right from childhood by him.

4. Tell us about your educational background?
I have been not to so many schools. I was at busiu Primary school for my primary 1 to primary 4. then Fairway primary school for p5 to p6 and completed from primary education from Makhai Primary school all in mbale. I finished my UCE from mbale Comprehensive High School and UACE from Busiu SS in mbale.
From there i joined United media consultants and Trainers Institute [UMCAT] School of  Journalism and Mass Communication where i attained my diploma in JMC.
5. Tell me something no one knows about you?

I love to learn from better people and hateb half baked information
6. How did you get into the industry?
After my A level, I requested my parents to spare me two years before joining college which time they granted.. During that period i embarked on music because i had the love and passion already. so there i join the industry

7. What inspired you to get into the Industry?
Too much love for my language [Gishu] I was totally puzzled on many occasions hearing people saying one cant do a good song if they are doing it in my mother tongue [Gishu ]. For that reason i wanted to disprove them and indeed i have achieved that. people have now coped up and really enjoy my music plus other music from young talent that  i have inspired time to time.

8. What have been some of your best moments in the industry?
I have met big names in the industry,Shared our experiences muscally, been groomed to be an artiste and yes, i cant stop learning from the industry.
9. What have been your worst moments in the industry?
Financial challenges here n there especially in terms of promotion. My good work cant easily be felt massively just because i may not be in position to put it where the nation can view n love it  I.e National Televisions and Radio stations.
What else do you do?
Im a radio presenter and a practicing Journalist working with Opengate radio in mbale. I also run an Audio Recording Studio in Mbale called Military Touch

10. What inspires you daily?
The way things keep changing  in the world and how the community follows the trend that if ur not updated,  you may be left out unknowingly. So i grab every opportunity that shows up.

11. What kind of music do you do?
Im doing a variety of genres. afro,zouk, , reggea, rnb and at times drop a little Club music[ dancehall]

13. If you had a chance to work with any artiste in the world who would it be?
I lost my best artiste in the who was Micheal Jackson..RIP. But as for now collaborating with our own Eddy Kenzo would be good. I dont want to run out of our beautiful Africa because black got Talent.

14. What else do you do apart from music?
I practice little farming in ma village, got a rice scheme in Butaleja mornitored closely by my mum.
15. Are you in a relationship?
16. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I will be a very good  artiste, married with no kid.
17. Can someone get rich from working on Music?
Absolutely yes. Its only a matter of Strategizing and taking music as business and not a hobby.
18. What do you love most about being an artiste?
Everyday i meet new people from various walks of  life  that have got new ideas, allow me admit am learning a lot every minute of my life even far from just music.
19. Who is your role model?
Was micheal Jackson

20. Do you have stalkers? How do you deal with them?
Hahah ..Stalkers are in plenty and i love it when they stalk me up, they kill my boredom, Create for me an environment that i utilise to get more lyrics for new projects.

21. If you had to choose something else to do, what would it be?
Preaching. am a good preacher  given the fact that my mum owns a number of churches in the east.It would be righteous of me to preach l;ike mum does.

22. What do you think sets you apart in an industry where everyone is doing the same thing?
Uniqueness of my voice and how i fuse it with my language
23. How old are you?
Am 26 years Now
24. What challenges do you face in the industry?
Promotion of finished product aint easy. Video and Audio promotion in Uganda now requires a lot of connection and money.

25. What advice would you give to those who would love to pursue careers as artistes?
Stay postive, stay determined and have the focus that by hook or crook, u will have to make it


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