Uganda Communications commission blocks porn sites

Porn sites blocked by Uganda Communications Commission
In an effort to curb down on pornography material consumption by the Pornography Control Committee, over twenty seven top websites that produce and broadcast pornographic content have been blocked and will no longer be available for people within the Ugandan borders.
The Uganda Communications Commission (UCC) is biting hard on the consumption of pornographic content in Uganda. The Director Godfrey Mutabazi issued a statement to Internet Service Providers dated 6th July, ordering them to block all websites that produce, broadcast, and distribute pornography material.
Last year, a Pornography Control Committee constituting of eight members, headed by Annette Kezaabu, was put in place to formulate ways on how to reduce pornographic consumption in Uganda. With a budget of UGX 2 billion, the committee has started doing its work commencing on the blockage of over 27 porn sites that have been popular among most pornography consumers in Uganda. Sites like PornHub, iPornTV, RedTube, XVideos, XNXX, X Hamster, You Porn, among others are to be blocked in this exercise.

Local based porn websites dealing in escort services will also be blacklisted in this new development. Some of those include Escorts In Kampala, Exotic Uganda, Kampala Escorts, Massage Republic, among others.
In the wake to this, a few Ugandan porn consumers found their way to check out and confirm whether their favorite websites are actually blocked and a few were indeed inaccessible. Others however were still functioning as before which might raise a few eyebrows of how effective the new order will work.
A few other Ugandans are likely to resort to the usage of Virtual Private Networks in order to by-pass the ban but UCC is looking forward to blocking those VPNs as well.
We shall keep you updated on this.


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