Legislators disagree on Kayihura's arrest with some asking for the officer to be freed

A section of legislators led by their colleagues from Kisoro District are demanding that the incarcerated former Inspector General of Police, Kale Kayihura be produced in court.
The law makers from Kisoro joined by some other legislators want parliament to force government present the former Inspector general of police Gen Kale Kayuhura before the courts of law as his current detention is beyond the recommended 48 hours in the Constitution.

“It is a breach of his personal liberties, a breach of the constitution. The people of Kisoro would like to see General Kale produced in court,” Bitangaro Sam, MP Bufumbira South.
“Today it is him, tomorrow it will be someone else. If he has committed crimes, let him be arraigned in courts of law, be prosecuted,” Francis Mwihukye, Buhweju County MP
“Whether Kayihura is wrong, whether he did what, he should be put in court so that he sees what others were going through. Keeping him outside the constitutional mandate is irregular, he was doing it but we cannot allow it to continue, those are two wrongs, “Joseph Sssewungu, Kalungiu West MP
But to some legislator’s, parliament should not dare to interfere in the affairs of General Kayihura as it will sabotage the ongoing investigations by the security organs.
“Since these matters are not common like his. But Kayihura himself had suggested to amend the law too increase the number of hours, even his case is not a common one it requires sometime,” Kamya Makumbi, Mityana South
“There is no way, you can plead for such a person who has been an IGP and is at the centre of criminality, in fact the commander in chief did the right thing to arrest Kayihura,” William Nzoghu, Busongora North MP
But speaker Kadaga informed members that the matter is under investigations and they had no value addition at this stage.
With president Museveni expected to address parliament on the state of security on Wednesday this week, majority of the legislators want the commander in chief disclose the scenes behind the arrest of his former IGP
Still in Parliament the, Rukungiri woman member of Parliament FDC’s Betty Muzanira has been sworn in this afternoon in a parliamentary sitting chaired by speaker Rebecca Kadaga.


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